We would like to thank the community for its very generous response to the “Shoe Box Project” for the troops spearheaded by the Republican Women of Clallam County.
Earlier this month we packed and mailed 14 large boxes of items, weighing 143 lbs. to an Army platoon in Afghanistan and an Army Major and his squad also in Afghanistan. Both recipients have local ties. Donations included personal items, socks, cards, games, jerky, trail mixes, energy bars, candy and handwritten notes.
Again thank you! You have helped bring a bit of home and caring to our deployed young men and women, the 1% who have volunteered to serve their country to protect our freedoms.
PS: A very special THANK YOU to those pictured who helped pack all those boxes. We are now looking for donations of items to replenish our stock of items so that we can send out a second mailing this spring. An empty donation receptacle box is awaiting your generosity at CCRP HQ.
Thanks to Ryan Bailey, formerly of the deployed JBLewis-McChord Army Platoon and Penny Marinaro, we have the addresses of these fine young men and women.
If you have items for our “Shoe Boxes for deployed troops”, please drop them off at CCRP HQ. There is a donation box located by our RWCC storage locker. We will be packing and sending off boxes soon. We would love to have handwritten notes to include with the boxes; personal notes from “home” mean a lot!