RWCC President Ann Stiles with Colleen McAleer,

Reported by Lois Krafsky-Perry

Port Angeles, WA – The Republican Women met at Joshua’s Restaurant on Sept. 23rd at 9 a.m. to enjoy each other’s company and listen to Colleen McAleer, candidate for Port Commissioner.  McAleer is the incumbent in the nonpartisan position.

Her message: “We need to improve our economy.”  McAleer spoke of issues where she has been involved in helping the Port, as well as many county interests.

The current commissioner, with her family, spent her growing up years in the military. She also served 10 years as a helicopter pilot in the US Army and was a military intelligence officer, and is a combat veteran.

McAleer is President of Washington Business Alliance and former Commercial RE Broker, at Team McAleer.   While involved in real estate, she became concerned about the needs of many of her tenants and clients, as she represented commercial properties in Sequim and Port Angeles.

The Sequim resident, who has children in local schools, is also concerned about education needs. She believes many problems children are having relates to the concern for parents to have jobs and the means to support their needs. “A job can change lives, like nothing else,” said McAleer.

Creating an environment in the community that supports jobs has been a priority, for this current commissioner.  Best management practices, at the port, is important to her, and she said she has worked hard to improve communication and better management priorities, offering several examples of the results accomplished while she’s been there. Creating weekly work sessions, as one example, has been of help to the office.

Several issues were discussed, as questions were posed to the candidate, which she was able to answer efficiently.