Jan. 14, 2017 – Susan Shotthafer, elected Port Angeles School Board member who was speaking on her own behalf as a citizen, shared insights about the newly-passed FLASH sex education curriculum with the Republican Women at their first meeting for 2017.

Shotthafer was the guest speaker at the Jan. 14, 2017 meeting held at GOP headquarters.  She covered numerous aspects of the new curriculum which could adversely affect the young 4th through 12th graders.  The curriculum originated in King County.   Parents were not apprised of the content.

To see the curriculum for yourself, click on http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/locations/family-planning/education/FLASH/elementary-school.aspx (you’ll be able to see more information on the left sidebar).  In particular, read the section entitled, “Reproductive System, Day 2“.

To learn more about the dangers of this type of curriculum, read the following article: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontarios-dangerous-sex-ed-is-indoctrination-not-science-says-u.s.-psychiatr, then watch Dr. Miriam Grossman’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IeKSCHXs-0